Truth and Beauty in Black, Mingei International Museum

‘Truth and Beauty in Black’ permanent art installation commissioned by Jennifer Luce of Luceetstudio for the reopening of the Mingei International Museum in San Diego in September 2021. Creation took 3 years, including research in collaboration with Artechne into the complex and intriguing colour Burgundian Black that goes back to a medieval recipe that has been rediscovered and reconstructed by Studio Claudy Jongstra. 

At first glance, the colour appears completely monotone black, after closer examination intensely rich variations begin to reveal themselves. 

The 36-foot long and 5-feet high artwork is located in the newly renovated Bistro of the Mingei International Museum providing a warm, softening, yet contemporary element to the space acting also as an acoustic divergent, dampening sound. 

Jongstra’s ‘Truth and Beauty in Black’ aims to engage with the museum’s diverse collection in order to inspire a renewed appreciation for the historic interconnectivity between humanity, material, culture and environment.

Title: "Truth and Beauty in Black"
Mingei International Museum, San Diego, USA
Photos by Paul Rivera for New York Times and Team Mingei